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Tuesday, November 01, 2005 

Zero Expectations...

  • I tell people right before they go back to Saudi Arabia every year to go back with no expectations. Which is true. Like I said before, things hardly change around here.
    I had a blast in New York, specifically speaking, Saturday night. I won't go into details. I almost missed my Saudi flight the next day, though. The flight was supposed to take off at 10 p.m. but the retards ended up departing an hour early without further notice. I was running through JFK airport from one terminal to another trying to find our beloved airline. Got my boarding pass and ran to the gate. I was second to the last people to get on. The last was a guy and his wife and baby. He was pissed at the flight attendant in regards to the early departure. I was like, whatever, as long as I got on, no problem. The flight wasn't bad at all. 11 hours to Jeddah, waited for a half hour then an hour and something to Riyadh. I had told my dad about the "original" arrival time, but now that I was in RIyadh an hour early, I knew my dad wasn't going to be there. So, I waited till him and my 2 brothers showed up 40 minutes later.
    Riyadh hasn't changed..well, a lot more lights, and shopping centers..that's about it, I guess. My mom was happy to see me of course. That was last night. Later on that night, I went to my old hangout place, Dunkin' Donuts. Found the gang there as usual. Today was pretty much the same thing..playing catch up with old friends. That's about it. I don't even know why I'm posting this, I guess I'm just testing the connection here.
    Happy Eid and kel 3am we intum b5air gabel alza7mah.
  • Winta ib khair :) I tried that 'going back home on one airplane' meaning no transits or stopped...I almost died. By the time I arrived I felt like a cripple because I was so stiff from the damned seats. Have fun and eat an extra shawerma for me!

    happy Eid to you too :)

    That's so true.. about not expecting anything..
    The first day I go back I always have an odd feeling, it's odd when absolutely nothing has changed..
    But I'm not sure if that's worse, or having things change with out you..

    Eid Mubarak, Sami!

    Come to Amman!


    Kil 3eid w inta bkheir...


    Enjoy being with your family...Happy Eid to you :)

    Don't worry man ... next 6al3ah will be better ... we'll go numbering or something

    man..I miss saudi so much. Happy eid people


    welcome home :D
    how did u find our connection? :P

    welcommmmooooo 8)

    hey we not that bad "connection" 8P

    lets meet @ coffeday ?!?!?!

    الحمدلله على السلااااامه
    وكل عام وانت بخير

    seriously ur hangout is dunkin doughnuts?!!

    Kol 3am w enta be 5eer :)

    ps: I wrote something about you..
    Go and check :)

    im glad you're enjoying your time! :)

    Thanks all...I'm in F'ed up net cafe cause my dial-up connection at home sucks...Hope everybody's having a great time. Later !

    I'm in AN F'ed up cafe :p


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    • Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
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