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There's an interesting piece on BBC News on why most people "hearing voices" in hallucinations say they hear male voices. What the hell is the problem with stem cell research? Most Republicans are so hypocritical when it comes to their morals and ideals. They're okay with bombing the crap out of the whole world, killing thousands, and leaving a few hundred thousand devastated. But when it comes to saving lives, "Nope, it's immoral." I applaud people, like Michael J. Fox, who use their fame to strive for a good cause. Unlike Tom Cruise who used his eminence to make an idiot out of himself. I was skimming through next month's issue of Psychology Today and ran into a piece titled "Your Telltale Fingertips." It talked about how your hands can be a marker for behavior. Specifically speaking, the length of your ring and index fingers. Here's an excerpt:"The Male Hand
The Norm: Ring finger is slightly longer than the index finger.
Scientists say who have the longest ring fingers have been exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb. Such hypermasculine pattern is linked to aggression, attention deficit disorder, greater aptitude in sports and music.
The Female Hand
The Norm: Ring and index fingers that are about the same length or an index finger that is slightly longer.
In women, longer ring fingers indicate exposure to high levels of testosterone during fetal development. Longer than average ring fingers have been associated with assertive and aggressive behavior. Longer than average index fingers are linked to high fertility and a higher than average risk of breast cancer."
You don't know trash. New book examines the lifecycle of garbage..literally. I accidently fell on this page. 50 things to do with your iPod. Good stuff.
yeah, there's a LOT you can tell from the length of the ring finger... ;) haha, just kidding... like i would even know... :)
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~World Squirrel~ |
1:35 AM