Fort Collins, CO was a lot of fun. I got a chance to hang out with old elementary school friends whom I haven't seen in around 14 years. I also remembered my way around the town very well. My dad got there a couple days later, and we spent a little mano e mano time together.
My whole stay there was mostly spent strolling down memory lane, visiting old places that were yet to be forgotten in past chapters in my life. Nostalgia was in the air and that felt good. It kind of gave a meaning to an uncertainty, that I have made home in the past few months. What used to be a vast world of opportunity has become my claustrophobic den. It brings you comfort, some times, once you get used to it.
I left my car in Fort Collins, so I can come back to it later on in the summer, and flew back to Boise. That's about it..I really don't have anything to say. I'm currently waiting for the second half between Al-Hilal and Al-Ahli to start. I'm going to be in Riyadh on Monday night inshallah... Later..
This is my first time staying in Salt Lake City, even though I have passed through it a thousand times. After waking up later on that night I thought I'd go grab a bite. It's my birthday so I thought I'd treat myself to a nice place. I drove around looking for good place, couldn't figure out what my taste buds were into, so I pulled over to the nearest Denny's for some eggs, hash-browns, and toast.
Downtown Salt Lake looked like the Meccah of Utah, if not the United States. There's the huge Mormon Temple, and the streets are numbered accordingly to their distance from the main temple. There are churches scattered here and there. One of the obscure aspects I noticed about downtown Salt Lake was the lack of coffee shops. It's hard to imagine that the Starbucks empire has had no Inquisitions in this part of town. It finally hit me that active Latter-day Saints (Mormons) abstain from drinking coffee. This practice derives from an 1833 revelation known as the Word of Wisdom, which states that "hot drinks are not for the body or the belly." Specifically speaking about coffee, Mormons state that caffeine is considered as a pollutant to their bodies. I'm not really sure, but the ironic thing is that bars were all over the place there. Alcohol or caffeine, which is more pollutant? Anyway, we have to respect other people's beliefs and views, but hell, I sure wanted a decent cup of coffee that day. I ended up staying another night in Salt Lake. I don't even remember why.
I hit the road the next morning continuing my journey towards Fort Collins, Colorado. Utah is beautiful; the mountains, the trees, dawn and sunsets, and the deceased deer scattered through out the shoulder lanes. This pretty collage vanished once I entered Wyoming. Let me make something clear here, Wyoming must be the the worst state I've ever driven through. I can speak for southern Wyoming at least. It brought back bad images from the Riyadh/Taif road, where pretty much you drive through the same terrain and scenery for around seven hours straight. I can say one thing, the terrain wasn't that pretty. It seemed like the film strip had kept going around in circle and nobody had bothered to replace it. Allahuma lai3tera'9.
That all changed as soon as I passed the Welcome to Colorado sign. Out of nowhere, poof! Everything turned green...